

Tayler 2009. 5. 9. 15:07

Blacktip Reef Sharks in Huge Fish Swarm at Kuredu Island Resort

Bait Ball Feast

Nature's Great Events: The Great Feast - BBC One

In late summer the plankton bloom is at its height.
Vast shoals of herring gather to feed on it, diving birds round the fish up into a bait ball
and then a humpback whale roars in to scoop up the entire ball of herring in one huge mouthful.

Polar bears and dogs playing

Amazing! Bird sounds from the Lyre Bird(금조)

Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

Kuroshio Sea - 2nd largest aquarium tank in the world from Jon Rawlinson on Vimeo.

세계에서 2번째로 큰 아쿠아리움. 가로세로 8.2×22.5m에 두께가 60cm인 세계 최대의 아크릴 유리 패널.
다른 세계 최대급 수족관들도 유리패널은 전부 일본에서 만들어 수입한거라는군요.

배경음은 "Please don't go" by Barcelona.

말벌 vs 꿀벌

올빼미 vs 까마귀

해달 부부, 유튜브 스타 되다 !