Sound of Music - Central Station Antwerp (Belgium) More than 200 dancers were performing their version of "Do Re Mi", in the Central Station of Antwerp. with just 2 rehearsals they created this amazing stunt! Those 4 fantastic minutes started the 23 of march 2009, 08:00 AM. It is a promotion stunt for a Belgian television program, where they are looking for someone to play the leading role, in the musical of "The Sound of Music". |
The Black Eyed Peas "I Gotta Feeling" Black Eyed Peas "I Gotta Feeling" on Oprah Winfrey Show Chicago 2009 Oprah's Kickoff Party - Flash Mob Dance! This dance is to the Black Eyed Peas song "Tonight's Going to Be a Good Night" Over 21,000 people learned the dance moves to pull of a HUGE surprise to Oprah! This is similar to the T-Mobile commercial that was produced in a London Train Station earlier this year! The day before this performance 800 gathered together to learn the dance and the day of everyone worked together to teach each other the dance! All 21,000 people! |
The T-Mobile Dance Life's for sharing. Watch the moment Liverpool Street Station danced to create this special T-Mobile Advert. T-Mobile Sing-along Trafalgar Square The exclusive 4 minute extended version of the moment 13,500 people sang Hey Jude together in Trafalgar Square. Everyone involved arrived thinking they could be dancing - no-one had any idea how the event would unfold. |
Flash Mob 100 Girls Dance in Piccadilly Circus to Beyonce 'Single Ladies' London's Piccadilly Circus at 9am on 20th of April 2009. A flash mob of 100 girls lose their coats and dance the morning blues away to a pleased crowd. Filmed by pure chance and in colour. |
C'est la vie (That's life) 킹 크림슨(King Crimson)을 떠난 그렉 레이크(Greg Lake), 나이스(the Nice) 출신의 키스 에머슨(Keith Emerson), 아토믹 루스터(Atomic Rooster)에서 활동한 칼 파머(Carl Palmer). 이 3명이 샌프란시스코에서 결성한 에머슨 레이크 앤 파머(Emerson, Lake & Palmer)라는 그룹이다. 데뷔 처음부터 뛰어난 연주 솜씨와 볼거리를 많이 제공하는 무대 매너로써 인기를 독차지하며 황금의 록 트리오로 일컬어졌다. 그러나 이들도 70년대 후반부터는 음악 스타일의 한계성이 드러나 각자 솔로 활동을 추구하게 된다, 이 곡은 77년에 발표된 것으로서, 국내 가수들에 의해서도 많이 불리워진 올드 레퍼토리이다.